Appropriate Assessment Study

Our team carries out complex studies, such as the Appropriate Assessment Study according to legal provisions, after performing preliminary inventory and monitoring activities of habitats and species. The Appropriate Assessment Study addresses the impact of the project/plan on each special and this habitat of community interest from each protected natural area of community interest possibly affected by the implementation of a project/plan, so as to ensure its conservation objectives and integrity. the Natura 2000 network.

The Appropriate Assessment Study shall identify and assess all types of negative impacts of the project/plan likely to significantly affect the protected natural areas of Community interest.


Presentation Memorandum with elements of Appropriate Assessment

The Presentation Memorandum presents information regarding the characteristics of the project and its likely significant effects on the environment; this document is prepared in accordance with legal requirements.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report

The Environmental Impact Assessment Report is an environmental study aimed at assessing the potential environmental impact of new projects or modernisation of existing projects in accordance with current legislation.


Environmental Report

The Environmental Report is an environmental study aimed at assessing the potential environmental impacts of plans/programmes in accordance with current legislation.

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